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Christine Burke

yoga teacher | studio owner | author

Christine believes..

...that through the healing and transformation that a yoga practice provides, each individual comes to experience the magical and beautiful nature of their true selves and comes to know that it's foundation is love and peace..  The world cannot help but be positively affected by such a discovery, one person, one breath at a time.

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"Best Yoga Book For 2017"
By Soul and Spirit Magazine
In the words of Judge Larah Davies
of Soul and Spirit Magazine 

 "This book is well laid out and easy to read - it is accessible enough for beginners, yet deep enough to engage more seasoned yogis. The imagery is friendly and compelling, and each section offers healing techniques to self-medicate. I really enjoyed Christine Burke's heartfelt and authentic approach. She clearly dances with love, dedication and grace and you can feel this as her book is full of prana - the life force energy practically zings off the pages! It covers a wide range of some of the most challenging and debilitating yet common ailments and issues and how they can be tackled with uplifting yoga."

Spiritual Mental Health Diet: Online Course with Christine


Yoga Classes & Teacher Training

Christine and husband Gary McCleery own Liberation Yoga, a beautiful award winning studio in Hollywood

yoga classes

Yoga Classes

Take Christine’s group classes at her beautiful studio in Liberation Yoga. 

Christine’s Schedule:

Morning Magic Level  1-2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30am

This class sets you up for an excellent day.  With breath, meditation and intention setting Christine moves you through a dynamic but moderate paced class that is easy on the joints while building strength, flexibility and focus.

Spirit Flow -Tuesdays 6:30pm- Mixed Level Class

This is the perfect transition from day to night.  You will release the build up of tension in body and mind, detoxify mind and body,  and relax the nervous system for a calm evening and good night’s sleep.

Candlelight Energy Flow – Sundays 6:30pm-8pm

This award winning is Vinyasa Flow class is set to music and candlelight, incorporates breath work and meditation and sets a tone of inspiration and peace for the week ahead. Each class centers around the "chakra of the week."  Chakras are the main energy centers of the body and are portals for healing and discovery. It is a Level 2 class and is suited to a student with 3 months or more of consistent practice, but there is room for all to work at their own pace.  

Liberation yoga Teacher Training!_🔻_To
Teacher Training

Teacher Training

Under the guidance of Christine and the Lib team of experienced, passionate, senior teachers, you will come to a deeper understanding of Hatha yoga and a deeper connection to yourself. It is meant to inspire, nourish and teach the seeker in you. We cover philosophy, breath, sequencing, anatomy, therapeutics, energy body, emotions and yoga and much much more.  This training can serve as the beginning of a rewarding life that includes teaching yoga or an immersion into the heart of a practice that serves you and that you feel passionate about.  Upon completion of the entire program you will be certified through Liberation Yoga and Yoga Alliance as a 200 RYT in the United States.

Teacher Training 🧘🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️✨_Februar

Private Yoga For Body Mind And Spirit For Adults & Teens

As an adult working privately with Christine is not your typical yoga private.  Though you can certainly request private sessions that focus purely on fine tuning your physical practice, learning the basics of breath and meditation, and creating a solid foundation for your specific goals and conditions, her specialty is a very holistic and transformative approach.  This means together you will explore the vision you hold for yourself and your life, present and future, and use the tools and philosophy of the practice to access greater health, clarity, vitality and light in your life.  This can result in much more than a solid yoga practice on the mat, but can be a truly enlightening experience that touches every aspect of your life.


As a teen working privately with Christine is as described for adults with the added attention focused on what support  teens need the most.  Christine calls this work “Yoga Life Skills 101.” She uses the art and science of yoga in a targeted way to help teens manage stress, improve  body image and  experience greater self acceptance and self love through learning healthy self care habits.


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